Directorio / Luz Stella Gómez Villalba

Luz Stella Gómez Villalba

Dirección de contacto: IGEO (CSIC-UCM).
C/ Dr Severo Ochoa 7, 28040, Madrid


Teléfono: +34 913 947 883

Departamento: Geomateriales

Palabras clave: Nanotecnología, petrología, mineralogía, Microscopía TEM, SEM HRTEM, HRSTEM, difracción de rayos X ,Nanotoxicología, conservación patrimonio, síntesis nanomateriales, caracterización escala atómica, Nanotechnology, petrology, mineralogy, microscopy , TEM, HRTEM, HRSTEM, SEM, Polarized microscopy, X ray difraction, nanotoxicity, heritage conservation, anomaterials synthesis, atomic scale characterization


  • Scopus ID: 14824811700,
  • ORCID: 0000-0002-8755-8191
  • PUBLONS: B-9309-2009

Página web

Perfil profesional

Geóloga experta en petrología y mineralogía, Ph.D. Ciencia e Ingeniería de materiales, Especialización en nanoprevención y nanotoxicidad. Síntesis de nanomateriales multifuncionales.petrología aplicada a patrimonio.

Técnicas de Microscopía electrónica (TEM HRTEM,HRSTEM-EELS, ESEM) y óptica , DRX (rietveld, Scherrer). Crecimiento cristalino a micro y escala atómica. Nanotecnología aplicada en conservación de materiales pétreos. Diseño de nanopartículas fotocatalíticas, consolidantes, biocidas.

Aportaciones más relevantes

  • Notas de prensa: Ver notas de prensa. Gomez-Villalba L.S. et al 2012 Atomic defects and their relationship to aragonite–calcite transformation in portlandite nanocrystal carbonation. Cryst. Growth Des 12,10, 4844 4852
  • Gomez-Villalba L.S. et al 2018 Correlation between microstructure and cathodoluminescence properties of Mg (OH)2(brucite) nanoparticles:effect of synthesis method CrystEngComm 20,37, 5632-5640
  • Gomez-Villalba L. al 2013 TEM–STEM study of europium doped gadolinium oxide nanoparticles synthesized by spray pyrolysis. Adv Powder Technol 24(5), 864-870
  • Gomez-Villalba L.S. et al. 2016 TEM-HRTEM study on the dehydration process of nanostructured Mg–Ca hydroxide into Mg–Ca oxide Ceram Int 42(8), 9455-9466
  • Gomez-Villalba L-S. et al 2017 Atomic scale study of the dehydration/structural transformation in micro and nanostructured brucite (Mg (OH)2) particles: Influence of the hydrothermal synthesis conditions. Adv Powder Technol 28(1), 61-72
  • Gomez-Villalba, L. S., et al 2012High resolution transmission electron microscopy study on the development of nanostructured precipitates in Al–Cu obtained by mechanical alloying. Mater. Chem. Phys132,1,125-130
  • López-Arce, P., Gómez-Villalba, L.S et al 2011 Influence of relative humidity on the carbonation of calcium hydroxide nanoparticles and the formation of calcium carbonate polymorphs. Powder Technol, 205(1-3), 263-269
  • Sierra-Fernandez, A., Gomez-Villalba et al 2016). Application of magnesium hydroxide nanocoatings on cellulose fibers with different refining degrees. RSC Advances, 6,57, 51583-51590
  • Gómez-Villalba,et al 2011 Structural stability of a colloidal solution of Ca (OH) 2 nanocrystals exposed to high relative humidity conditions. Applied Physics A, 104,4, 1249
  • Gómez, L. S., et al .2010 Morphological, structural and electrochemical properties of lithium iron phosphates synthesized by spray pyrolysis. Electrochim.Acta, 55(8), 2805-2809
  • Gómez-Villalba, L. S., et al 2012 Nucleation of CaCO3 polymorphs from a colloidal alcoholic solution of Ca(OH)2 nanocrystals exposed to low humidity conditions. Applied Physics A, 106,1, 213-217Gomez-Villalba L.S.(ed) Advances in Nanostructured Materials for Multifunctional ApplicationsSolid State Phenomena 2019
  • Sierra-Fernandez, Gomez-Villalba,et al 2017 New nanomaterials for applications in conservation and restoration of stony materials: a review. MaterCons 67,325
  • López-Arce, P., Gomez-Villalba, LS, et al 2010 Influence of porosity and relative humidity on consolidation of dolostone with calcium hydroxide nanoparticles: effectiveness assessment with non destructive techniques. Mater Charact 61(2), 168-184
  • Gomez-Villalba et al 2013. Mineralogical and textural considerations in the assessment of aesthetic changes in dolostones by effect of treatments with Ca (OH)2 nanoparticles.Science and Technology for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage, 235, 329