Directorio / María José Varas Muriel

María José Varas Muriel

Dirección de contacto: Facultad de Ciencias Geológicas, C/ José Antonio Novais 12, planta 7, despacho 17.3

Teléfono: +34913944918

Departamento: Geomateriales

Palabras clave: Conservación Patrimonio, Petrología, Petrofísica, Climatología, sensores climáticos, piedra ornamental y artificial, morteros.


  • Scopus Author ID: 6507002663
  • ORCID: 0000-0002-0441-081

Perfil profesional

Petrología, Petrofísica y Climatología aplicadas a las Ciencias del Patrimonio, Obra Civil y Edificación. Caracterización, calidad y durabilidad de materiales de construcción y ornamentales (piedra natural y artificial: morteros aéreos e hidráulicos, cerámicos, …). Monitorización y evaluación de climas exteriores e interiores, naturales e inducidos, y sus efectos sobre el patrimonio. Valoración del estado de conservación del patrimonio arquitectónico, arqueológico y cultural.

Aportaciones más relevantes

Varas-Muriel M.J., Fort R., Martínez-Garrido M.I., Zornoza-Indart, A, López-Arce, P. (2014) Fluctuations in the indoor environment in Spanish rural churches and their effects on heritage conservation: hygro-thermal and CO2 conditions monitoring. Building and Environment 82, 97-109.  DOI – 10.1016/j.buildenv.2014.08.010.

Varas-Muriel M.J., Martínez-Garrido M.I. Fort R., (2014) Monitoring the thermal-hygrometric conditions induced by traditional heating systems in a historic Spanish church (12th-16th c.). Energy and Buildings 75, 119-132. DOI – 10.1016/j.enbuild.2014.01.049.

Varas-Muriel M.J., Pérez-Monserrat E.M., Vázquez-Calvo M.C., Fort R. (2015) Effect of conservation treatments on heritage stone. Characterisation of decay processes in a case study. Construction and Building Materials 95, 611-622. DOI – 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2015.07.087.

Varas-Muriel M.J., Fort R., (2018) Microclimatic monitoring in an historic church fitted with modern heating: Implications for the preventive conservation of its cultural heritage, Building and Environment 145, 290-307, DOI: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2018.08.060

Varas-Muriel M.J., Fort R., Gómez-Heras M., (2021) Assessment of an underfloor heating system in a restored chapel: Balancing thermal comfort and historic heritage conservation, Energy and buildings 251, 111361, DOI –  10.1016/j.enbuild.2021.111361

Pérez-Forte P., Varas-Muriel M.J., Castiñeiras P., (2021) Long-term behavior of the micro-texture of aggregates used on roads subjected to extreme climate conditions and winter maintenance operations. Wear 474-475, 20375, DOI – 10.1016/j.wear.2021.203757

Ergenç D., Fort R., Varas-Muriel M.J., Álvarez de Buergo M., (2021) Mortars and plasters – how to characterize aerial mortars and plasters, Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 13(11), 197, DOI – 10.1007/s12520-021-01398-x

Fort, R., Feijoo, J., Varas-Muriel, M.J., Navacerrada, M.A., Barbero-Barrera, M.M., De la Prida, D. (2022) Appraisal of non-destructive in situ techniques to determine moisture- and salt crystallization-induced damage in dolostones, Journal of Building Engineering 53, 104525. DOI –10.1016/j.jobe.2022.104525

Fort, R., Varas-Muriel, M.J., Ergenç, D., Cassar, J., Anastasi, M., Vella, N.C. (2023) The technology of ancient lime mortars from the Zejtun Roman Villa (Malta). Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 15(1), 15. DOI –10.1007/12520-022-01710-3