Directorio / Marisa Montoya Redondo
Directorio / Marisa Montoya Redondo
Department: Sedimentary Geology and Environmental Change
Research group: Physics of Climate and Climate Change
Keywords: Numerical simulation of climate, paleoclimate, cryosphere-ocean interaction, climate-cryosphere interaction, climate-cryosphere modelling, abrupt climate change.
Profesional background
I completed my doctoral thesis at the University of Hamburg (Germany) in 19991. Subsequently, I obtained a postdoctoral position at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK). In 2003, I joined the Complutense University of Madrid through the Ramón y Cajal Program. Since 2010, I have been an Associate Professor at this university. My research focuses on studying the evolution of climate and the cryosphere in the past and future.
Relevant publications
5 to 10 most relevant publications in the last 10 years:
Funded Projects in the last 5 years: